Theater box located immediately to the side of a stage in front of the proscenium.
No hi ha cap exemple disponible per a cap sinònim
1This party occupied the upper proscenium box on the right of the stage.
2The four young people occupied a proscenium box, and made a very interesting group.
3Suddenly his eyes met the gaze of the solitary occupant of the second proscenium box.
4I have a large proscenium box-plentyof room.
5The New Mexico delegation occupied a proscenium box but Humphrey wasn't prominent enough there to suit his delegation.
6When the last patient had gone, he would take the chair and have the view to himself, as from a proscenium box.
7As the violinist turned to the conductor he faced slightly to the left and in a direct line with the second proscenium box.
8It was the young state councillor, Von Cocceji, who sat in the proscenium box near the stage, and gazed with beaming eyes on Barbarina.
9At the theatre, in a proscenium box, the publicity, the light and movement, the action of the play, all helped to distract and quiet her.
10"The young lady in the proscenium box, I will wager," said Lenaieff.
11The ambassador and his wife, who had only returned forty-eight hours before, sat in one of the large proscenium boxes.
12They all attended the opera one evening, and a brilliant appearance they made as they sat in one of the proscenium boxes.
13In one of the proscenium boxes sat the Duchesse de Montgeron with the Comtesse de Lisieux; in another the Vicomtesse de Nointel and Madame Thomery.
14"There is Captain Bezan," said Ruez, with undisguised pleasure, pointing towards the proscenium box where the young officer stood.
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